
Monday, November 19, 2018

Week 5

Monday Conference Talk:
The Joy of Unselfish Service by Sis Cristina B. Franco
Enrichment activities inspired by the talk:

  • Vocabulary word Scavenger Hunt Game, get the worksheet here. Spend the week searching for the words in books or conversation, check each word off when it's found or heard.
  • Chocolate cake bake off!! My kids each chose a recipe and made a chocolate cake. They were judged on flavor and appearance. Then we took cake to Grandma for her birthday! We loved this activity :) I only got a picture of one of the cakes, the other one was eaten too quickly!
  • Argentina Geography page. We love THIS ONE from 1+1+1=1
  • Self Evaluation Questionnaire worksheet HERE
  • Write and perform a play based on the story of the Widow's mite. We did a modern tale of the Widow's mite. Kids wrote a script, made a story board, planned props, and they'll perform it this week for FHE. 
  • We didn't get to this, but you could also do a study on biblical coinage. 

Tuesday Magazine:

  • Direct Messages for You- read and discuss
  • We did THIS ACTIVITY from the Friend Magazine. It's a crossword puzzle of the new temples that were announced. Use the list of places from the New Era article and fill in the crossword puzzle. Then grab your little sticky notes and find each country on your wall map and mark them (I drew little temples on the labels for these). We had so much fun doing this! My 4 year old even said after that he wants to go to all those places one day!
  • The Correct Name of the Church- read and discuss
  • Sing, The Church of Jesus Christ

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During Oct 2018 General Conference, I had an a-ha moment! As President Nelson and Elder Cook talked about a home centered church and having ...