
Monday, November 19, 2018

Week 5

Monday Conference Talk:
The Joy of Unselfish Service by Sis Cristina B. Franco
Enrichment activities inspired by the talk:

  • Vocabulary word Scavenger Hunt Game, get the worksheet here. Spend the week searching for the words in books or conversation, check each word off when it's found or heard.
  • Chocolate cake bake off!! My kids each chose a recipe and made a chocolate cake. They were judged on flavor and appearance. Then we took cake to Grandma for her birthday! We loved this activity :) I only got a picture of one of the cakes, the other one was eaten too quickly!
  • Argentina Geography page. We love THIS ONE from 1+1+1=1
  • Self Evaluation Questionnaire worksheet HERE
  • Write and perform a play based on the story of the Widow's mite. We did a modern tale of the Widow's mite. Kids wrote a script, made a story board, planned props, and they'll perform it this week for FHE. 
  • We didn't get to this, but you could also do a study on biblical coinage. 

Tuesday Magazine:

  • Direct Messages for You- read and discuss
  • We did THIS ACTIVITY from the Friend Magazine. It's a crossword puzzle of the new temples that were announced. Use the list of places from the New Era article and fill in the crossword puzzle. Then grab your little sticky notes and find each country on your wall map and mark them (I drew little temples on the labels for these). We had so much fun doing this! My 4 year old even said after that he wants to go to all those places one day!
  • The Correct Name of the Church- read and discuss
  • Sing, The Church of Jesus Christ

Friday, November 9, 2018

Week 4

Monday Conference talk:
Be Not Troubled ~ Ronald A. Rasband

Enrichment activities inspired by talk (do these throughout the week):

  • Learn about extreme weather (waves and winds on the Sea of Galilee). We watched You Tube videos about hurricanes and strong storms. 
  • Sea of Galilee research and map craft. Grab a map of the Sea of Galilee here. Print it out. Have kids trace it on trace paper and label main cities and landmarks. Then they can use the original map to make a small boat. Like this one:
  • Vocabulary Page, get it here. Have them choose 15 words and fill out this worksheet, here. You should be able to make a copy and then edit it. Use the Explore button under the tools tab to insert images and look up definitions.
  • Make a MormonAd inspired by this quote "The battles will rage on, but we will face them with the Spirit of the Lord. We will “be not troubled” because when we stand with the Lord and stand for His principles and His eternal plan, we are standing on holy ground." Here is one my daughter made:
  • Here's another worksheet they can do comparing the attributes of fear to those of faith. There is also a place for them to write a haiku about dispelling fear. Here's my daughter's for example: 
                    When fear overcomes
                    I sing a primary song
                    The fear is now gone
  • I found these AMAZING blank geography pages! We'll probably use them from now on each time learn about a new location. Get your free download here at 1+1+1=1. We learned about Syria and my kids even decided to write some of the information in Arabic!

Magazine Tuesday:

  • Try, Try, Try (excerpts) Henry B Eyring- read and discuss
  • We decided to take upon us the name of Christ by serving others. We discussed possible ideas and decided on making dinner for a family that we thought could use it.

  • Count Your Blessings - Read and discuss
  • Add blessing leaves to Gratitude tree from last week
  • Do Hink Pink FunStuff and learn about rhyming words
Personal Finance Wednesday:
  • Our workbooks finally came in, so we got started on the self-reliance personal finance course. We'll do one lesson a week and adapt it to family/children use.
Family History Thursday:
  • Index a batch

For the Strength of Youth Friday:
  • I let the kids choose which topic they want to read about and today it was tithes and offerings. We read and discussed. 

Monday, November 5, 2018


I love having maps up and using them often in our lessons! We put this one up recently to mark all the places we learn about in our gospel studies enrichment lessons. Grab a map and some sticky notes and have fun! You won't regret it.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Week 3

Monday Conference Talk:

Believe, Love, Do ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Enrichment activities inspired by the talk:

  • Vocabulary page- get it here - choose 20 words, look up definitions and use them in a sentence.
  • Learn how to draw a German Shepherd 
  • Choose a new skill and practice it for a week
  • Believe, Love, Do worksheet- get it here - Discuss things we can do in each column (believe, love, & do). Fill it in. Commit to working on each column for one week and keep track. 
  • Germany Research page, I used this one:
 and this one:
We colored in the map and tried to find out why the different icons were on the map and in each location.
  • Art project inspired by this quote: "In my experience, belief is not so much like a painting we look at and admire and about which we discuss and theorize. It is more like a plow that we take into the fields and, by the sweat of our brow, create furrows in the earth that accept seeds and bear fruit that shall remain.13"

  • Biography Page- King Solomon. We used this Facebook template page, here. Any generic 5 w's worksheet would work too. 

Tuesday Magazine:

          New Era Oct 2018
  • The Battle for your Agency- read and discuss
  • Fun Spot ~ Facts and Fun
        Friend Oct 2018
  • The Talents Team-
  • Nick's New Look
  • What's on your Mind- We discussed our bodies and how special they are- play dress up
Thursday Family History:
  • Family History Quest from the Friend 

Friday Church History:
  • Listen to Saints Podcast and chapter one of Saints


During Oct 2018 General Conference, I had an a-ha moment! As President Nelson and Elder Cook talked about a home centered church and having ...