Enrichment Studies inspired by the talk:
-Vocabulary page, my kids requested a spelling bee at the end of the week again. I give them each a word from the list, then they have to give the definition and spell it. Get the page: Here
-Kindness Project worksheet: Here * directions: make a copy of the worksheet for each child. They will insert a photo of each family member. Then each day for one week, they will do something kind for each person on the list and record their experiences.
-Fill in a state geography page for North Carolina. We used this free one: Here
-Build a diagram of the Plan of Salvation out of Lego, or you could have them draw it.
- Memorize this passage from the talk: “beautiful young women[and men] who are striving to live the gospel…..“They are generous toward one another. They seek to strengthen one another. They are a credit to their parents and the homes from which they come. They are approaching womanhood[ and manhood] and will carry throughout their lives the ideals which presently motivate them.”
- Learn to play or sing Dearest Children God is Near You from the Hymn book. Could also learn how to lead it.
Tuesday New Era:
January 2019 New Era
- Read the articles that introduce the youth theme for the year:
"Do we Love Him"
" If Ye Love Me"
" Keep My Commandments"
- As an enrichment activity, have the kids create their own version of the 2019 theme poster using their own image.
Family History Lesson:
This week, we read the New Era article about the new feature in the Family search app. Get it Here