
Monday, December 10, 2018

Week 7

Monday Conference Talk: For Him, Joy D. Jones Oct 2018 General Conference:

Enrichment Studies inspired by talk:

  • Vocabulary Page- HERE Have the kids study the words and learn the definitions for the week. Have a spelling bee at the end of the week. 
  • Geography Page on Calcutta, India - label it on your wall map
  • Have the kids make a To-Do list for the week. Teach them about Prioritizing. Have them include this quote on their to-do list page and discuss:

“We can make each item on our to-do list become a way to glorify Him.
We can see each task as a privilege and opportunity to serve Him…”

  • Serve others/ Bake Cookies!!

  • Learn about the process of change. Perhaps study a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.
  • Write a poem about service/light the world using alliteration. Here's my son's :)
When you light the world,
Light it with life, laughter, and light.
You can give light by giving someone an orange
or you can help, by oiling a door hinge.
( There was a discussion between him and his sister that there aren't any words that rhyme with orange, so he took it as a personal challenge, I like it)
Here's my daughter's:
Christmas time is coming close.
Sense it with your eyes and nose
Gather round with cheer and glory
And listen to the Savior's Story.

Tuesday Magazine:
  • Read True Gifts of Christmas and Light the World- discuss
  • Have them make gifts for others using Gifts that don't Break the Bank on pg38
I'll be doing a separate post for younger kids with lessons from the Friend.

Week 6

Monday Conference Talk: Our Campfire of Faith, Elder Gerrit W. Gong
Oct 2018 General Conference

Enrichment activities inspired by the talk:

  • Research Elder Gong. Who is he, where is he from and what has he done?
  • Vocabulary Page, get it HERE. Use each word in a sentence.
  • Learn about the artwork of Boyd K. Packer, Henry B. Eyring, and Richard G. Scott. We used these links: Boyd K. PackerHenry B. Eyring ( watch the video, I LOVED his work!), Richard G. Scott. Older kids can do this worksheet after researching the artists. They finish the quote found in Elder Gong's talk, then insert their favorite image from the art they found while studying them. Get the worksheet Here. Here's an example of a finished worksheet (they can insert multiple images in each column, mine just decided to do one each)  Finished worksheet:
  • Do a Geography Page for Hong Kong
  • learn how to build a campfire
  • Make your own watercolor landscape! We used a you tube tutorial  10 Minute Winter Woodland Scene 


During Oct 2018 General Conference, I had an a-ha moment! As President Nelson and Elder Cook talked about a home centered church and having ...