
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

New Era Lesson! ~ Feb 2019 ~ MTC

The New Era this month has a missionary theme! We read the article, Your MTC Experience. Did you know there are 12 Missionary Training Centers around the World?!! We made MTC sticky notes and added them to our wall map. Loved it!

Week 11 ~ The Correct Name of the Church ~ President Russell M. Nelson

Monday Conference Talk:

The Correct Name of the Church by Pres. Russell M. Nelson

Enrichment ideas inspired by this talk:

  • Vocabulary page and worksheet. Get it HERE!
  • Have a study discussion of the Middle Ages (Dark Ages). We had some cool books that we looked through. Then we each chose a different historical figure from that time and filled out a biography page about that person. Also, got a few books from the library that the kids could read, Adam of the Road, Robin Hood, and Chaucer
  • Have a lesson on product branding. The kids each thought of several businesses that have effective branding. They copied their logos and slogans. Then they had to come up with their own product or service and make a logo and slogan for it. The kids loved this activity!

  • Learn to sing, play, or lead the Hymn, Joseph Smith's First Prayer.
  • Discuss why names are important and where their family names come from. 

Friday, February 1, 2019

New Era Lesson ~ February 2019

Read An Ensign to the Nations and discuss. One of my kids mentioned Captain Moroni and his title of Liberty.
 An Ensign for the Nations

  • Make your own Ensign! We all got a laugh out of this one that L made, she added her head to classic images of children with Christ:

Week 10 ~ The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead ~ Pres. M. Russell Ballard

Monday Conference Talk:
The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead ~ Pres. M. Russell Ballard

Enrichment Studies inspired by the talk:
My daughter had her tonsils removed this week and I didn't get around to making a vocabulary page, sorry!
  • Read and discuss D&C 138, The vision of the redemption of the dead. This was amazing and we had some really good insights and discussions from this.
  • Fill out a geography page for Hawaii. We use THIS ONE. Watch a documentary or travel video about Hawaii. Amazon Video has several options. You could also watch Princess Ka'iulani. 
  • Research the Spanish Influenza Pandemic and fill out this work sheet HERE
  • Do a quick overview study of World War I

Monday, January 14, 2019

Week 9

Monday Conference Talk: Parents and Children by President Dallin H. Oaks Oct 2018 General Conference

Enrichment Studies inspired by the talk:

-Vocabulary page, my kids requested a spelling bee at the end of the week again. I give them each a word from the list, then they have to give the definition and spell it. Get the page: Here
-Kindness Project worksheet: Here  * directions: make a copy of the worksheet for each child. They will insert a photo of each family member. Then each day for one week, they will do something kind for each person on the list and record their experiences.
-Fill in a state geography page for North Carolina. We used this free one: Here
-Build a diagram of the Plan of Salvation out of Lego, or you could have them draw it.
- Memorize this passage from the talk: “beautiful young women[and men] who are striving to live the gospel…..“They are generous toward one another. They seek to strengthen one another. They are a credit to their parents and the homes from which they come. They are approaching womanhood[ and manhood] and will carry throughout their lives the ideals which presently motivate them.”
- Learn to play or sing Dearest Children God is Near You from the Hymn book. Could also learn how to lead it.

Tuesday New Era:
January 2019 New Era
- Read the articles that introduce the youth theme for the year:
          "Do we Love Him"
          " If Ye Love Me"
          " Keep My Commandments"
- As an enrichment activity, have the kids create their own version of the 2019 theme poster using their own image.

Family History Lesson:
This week, we read the New Era article about the new feature in the Family search app. Get it Here

Week 8

Monday Conference Talk:
Women and Gospel Learning in the Home by Henry B. Eyring

Enrichment studies inspired by the talk:

  • Memorize in whole or part the Family Proclamation
  • Vocabulary page: Here
  • Make a Fact board of the Missouri River with pictures
  • Develop charity family worksheet: Here
  • Take a deeper look at the families in the scriptures and their "sorrows of unresponsive children". Make a family map with the people you discuss. How did they overcome their sorrow?
  • Make your own map of the travels of the apostle Paul, or find it on a map.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Week 7

Monday Conference Talk: For Him, Joy D. Jones Oct 2018 General Conference:

Enrichment Studies inspired by talk:

  • Vocabulary Page- HERE Have the kids study the words and learn the definitions for the week. Have a spelling bee at the end of the week. 
  • Geography Page on Calcutta, India - label it on your wall map
  • Have the kids make a To-Do list for the week. Teach them about Prioritizing. Have them include this quote on their to-do list page and discuss:

“We can make each item on our to-do list become a way to glorify Him.
We can see each task as a privilege and opportunity to serve Him…”

  • Serve others/ Bake Cookies!!

  • Learn about the process of change. Perhaps study a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.
  • Write a poem about service/light the world using alliteration. Here's my son's :)
When you light the world,
Light it with life, laughter, and light.
You can give light by giving someone an orange
or you can help, by oiling a door hinge.
( There was a discussion between him and his sister that there aren't any words that rhyme with orange, so he took it as a personal challenge, I like it)
Here's my daughter's:
Christmas time is coming close.
Sense it with your eyes and nose
Gather round with cheer and glory
And listen to the Savior's Story.

Tuesday Magazine:
  • Read True Gifts of Christmas and Light the World- discuss
  • Have them make gifts for others using Gifts that don't Break the Bank on pg38
I'll be doing a separate post for younger kids with lessons from the Friend.


During Oct 2018 General Conference, I had an a-ha moment! As President Nelson and Elder Cook talked about a home centered church and having ...